Galapagos Steak & Wine

El sabor de las islas en cada bocado

First of all

A bit about us

Galapagos Steak & Wine bring the history of the Galapagos Islands to every plate. From livestock and agriculture to fishing, our ingredients are carefully selected and processed to offer a unique culinary experience. Each bite is a sample of our love for the land and the sea that surrounds us. Steakhouse located just a couple of blocks from the Pelican Bay Ocean Front and the Plaza Pelican Bay, a few steps from the Kiosk Street. The spacious, 50 seated restaurant, ideal venue for any occasion, including important business or romantic dinner, birthday, anniversary celebrations, small or large parties, or family gatherings.

Not to mention

Our passion for the best gastronomy at Galapagos Steak & Wine

Galapagos Steak & Wine bring the history of the Galapagos Islands to every plate. From livestock and agriculture to fishing, our ingredients are carefully selected and processed to offer a unique culinary experience. Each bite is a sample of our love for the land and the sea that surrounds us. Our team of chefs strives to create innovative dishes that highlight the flavors of the region. At Galapagos Steak & Wine, we believe in the importance of preserving the culture and traditions of our land and that is why each visit to our restaurant is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich history of the Galapagos Islands.

And let's not forget

Our commitment to quality

At Galapagos Steak & Wine we make sure that each ingredient in our dishes is of the highest quality. We work with local Galapagos suppliers to source fresh meats and freshly caught seafood. In addition, our vegetables and fruits are grown on our own family farms, ensuring that every bite you enjoy at our restaurant is sustainably and reliably sourced.

About Galapagos Steak & Wine

Galapagos Steak & Wine born from love for the vast extensions of land and the fertile sea of ​​the Galapagos Islands. We want to capture on our plates the passion that our families felt when they arrived in these lands and discovered the livestock, agriculture and fishing of the region. In our home, we carefully produce, select, process and finally offer the best cuts of meat and wines for our customers.

Sabores de Galápagos en cada bocado
